Friday, March 19, 2010

Go.. Get a mentor..

It's official!

No matter wherever you are in your life or career, you "need" a mentor. There is nothing wrong in having a mentor or "following" someone, for it will only add to your worth of knowledge, ability, skills and yes, confidence.

I've been blessed with having good mentors in my little life so far. I have them in my friends, in my colleagues. I'm not bragging that I've achieved a lot, but I can definitely say that I've achieved more than I could have had without them.

Reminds you of old Gurukul days with the students following their Gurus faithfully? Well.. not surprising that system was a hit! After all, all you need between yourself and your mentor is Trust. And I bet those advises do magic (moreover, its FREE!!!)

So, if you don't have one then what are you waiting for?

Go.. Get a mentor...